I'm back and I'm here to stay...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Welcome to This is Me...a blog that I started nearly 3 years ago, yet have not kept up with.
Alas, here I am attempting to bring it back to life because I feel that it deserves another chance.
As we all do in this life - deserve the chance to start over; start fresh and to be truly happy.
Some of you who are reading this, I must say welcome BACK because a few of you have been with me and this blog since the beginning and some of you, you know who you are, have been pushing me to get back into writing. So here I am.
And thank you.
I started this blog originally back in 2016 when I was living in California.
However, I'm currently back on the East Coast, living in my little hometown in PA.
At least for now, that will hopefully be changing soon...
Now you have to stay tuned to see what my next adventure is going to be.
Why did I stop posting before?
I think life comes at you fast, and sometimes you're ready for it; sometimes you're not.
I was not.
I chose to take time for myself...I focused more on private-writing in journals instead of using this blog publicly.
I chose to focus on self-care; which will come up numerous times in this blog I'm sure because I can't stress it enough how important it is to take care of yourself.
So that's what I was doing...
I was taking care of myself.
But now I'm back...and I'm here to stay.
I want this blog to be raw.
I want this blog to be real.
I want this blog to cover MANY topics.
I want this blog to be a safe space and I want this blog to be open-minded.
My writing is not sugar-coated and rarely comes with an apology because this is where I speak my truth and this is where I feel able to let my thoughts flow freely.
If you choose to follow along, which I hope you do...
 I hope some posts inspire you. I hope some posts anger you. I hope some posts make you cry.
I hope some posts make you laugh!
 I hope some posts make you ask questions; whether it's to me or yourself.
I want this blog to help someone.
I want this blog to help me.
This blog will cover many topics, some being: family, friendships, relationships, traveling, love, heartbreak, milestones, my Navy experience, my dog Bo, and much more.
I want this to be a blog that you can visit where you feel welcomed and you feel "normal" because the topics I want to cover are typical-every-day things that we ALL go through.
I want my viewers and readers to feel at home when they're visiting my page.
I appreciate all of you for reading my first post.
Cheers to many more to come!
Thanks for tuning in so far!
If you choose to follow along, buckle up, and follow me down the rabbit hole...

Until next time...