My granddad...passed away on February 1, 2021.
Exactly 2 weeks, to the day, after my grandmother passed.
I suppose he just couldn't stand to be away from her another second.
My granddad was my favorite person on the planet. And I know that I was his...
The news of his passing, shattered me. Completely destroyed me, and I truly believe that I will never be the same.
Below, are the words I've written, to be read at his funeral.
I don't have the strength to read them out loud, though I've tried many times and have failed to make it through the first sentence...thankfully, I'm able to pass them on to be read for me.
My granddad and I shared a very special bond.
So close in fact, that he would often say to me me, that when he passed, he’d like for me to be the one who spoke at his funeral because i’d be the only one who has anything nice to say.
However, little does he know, that’s far from the truth. I’ve received so many messages over the past several days from people, friends even, who I didn’t know even knew who my granddad was. Every single one of them had nothing but positive things to say; the most positive and moving thing that was shared with me, was “he saved my life.”
He saved mine too, in more ways than one.
He didn’t always know how to show his emotions, or his love, and Lord knows he was not the best at communicating his feelings, or just in general. That’s why I feel lucky to have had the bond that we had, because we just got each other. I was the only one who could talk back to him (and not get in trouble for it) he would dish it out and I’d serve it right back…and he would laugh and give me a wink. Recently, at my grandmother’s funeral, I said “I’m proud to know that the fire that burns within me, came from her”…well, I’m proud that the spark, that lights that fire, came from my granddad.
My heart is broken, completely shattered…and though I know time heals everything, I don’t see my heart going back to the way it was. My granddad took a large piece of it with him that I’ll never get back.
I’ll hold the all of the stories that he told me close to my heart.
I’ll remember the advice he always shared with me when we were alone.
And I’ll keep our memories locked away, safe, inside my memory until we meet again.
I’ll miss him forever…I’ll love him always.