Here I am

Monday, April 27, 2020

How appropriate is it, that my last post was 2 days ago, last year?
It's been a whole year since I've logged in, but I promise you, it has not been a whole year since I've written anything.
As mentioned in my last post, I previously took some time to focus on me and writing privately; which also so happens to be what I've been doing in the past year.
I guess some things never change and sometimes you just need to take a break.
Alas, I'm ready to get back out there with my public writing.
I hope you're ready to follow along on this adventure with me.

A lot can happen in a year.
A lot.
And as much as I would love to just make a list showing you everything I've been up to over this past year, it's not that simple.
Which is why I think I decided to get back into blogging; to write it all in chapters.
Post by post, piece by piece, story by story.
Because isn't that what our lives are? Stories? With different chapters of our lives?
New beginnings, and endings.

It's time to reconnect, with myself, my friends, with those of you who have been following the ins and outs of this blog for 5 years, and with those of you who only tune in every now and again to see if I've managed to get past this writers block.

Whoever you are, I appreciate you and I hope in some way or another, you can relate to what I have to say, connect with me, and learn about what makes me, me.
Also, holy shit, I can't believe I've been on blogger for 5 years.
So hi :)
I'm back.

And I'm ready to dive in...

Stay tuned.